Silverdance Nightingale
*15th July 2013 - †23th September 2013
CFA registered

Our little sunshine went over the
rainbow bridge
through the RCP vaccination
on 23rd September 2013
We used
** FEVAXYN-ICHP ** batch number 270BYC02C
Rest In Peace Nightingale - it is so sadly we miss you
very much!
You live now in your sister.
Thank you to the vet hospital Lüneburg/Germany
for the help.
To 19:00 clock (24. September 2013) tonight the company had time to contact me. We used
** FEVAXYN-ICHP ** batch number 270BYC02C (used on durable 09.11.2013) at 17.09.2013 with a weight of 1012 g at the age of 9 weeks and 1 day.
On 18.9.2013 evening she showed the symptoms of the LIMPING KITTEN SYNDROME, i.e. she hobbled to the right hind leg (days later also left and turns), unsteady gait, lower temperature, apathy, suddenly watery eyes and nasal discharge, nothing will eat.
Daily I drove to the veterinary clinic, infusion under the skin, antibiotic (Synulox), vitamin B. The lowest temperature was 36.3 ° C and we had her of the heat pillow. On Saturday after the injections / infusion she felt better, she munched itself! Temperature 37.9 ° C. Sunday morning temperature of 39.3 ° C and 39.5 ° C at night and in the animal hospital 39.7 ° C. She got a fever reducer and since she had a distended abdomen due to the special food she received dimethicone. She played with me as the doctors did the calculation for dosing (she weighed only 930 g). By 22 clock in the evening suddenly showed two kittens diarrhea!! I immediately put under Synulox(Antibiotica) also the kitten as a precaution, which had no diarrhea. Monday morning at 6:45 veterinary clinic, she received her infusion, AB, vitamin B. The other kittens because they were under AB addition they received infusion and Buscopan. At 11 clock I was again in the hospital inpatient admission drip, blood control, etc. At 18:45 she had gone ...
The other kittens are doing better the puuh is formed now.
CONCLUSION: Which vaccine should I still trust???
The vaccine should be picked up already last Thursday by the pharmaceutical company - NOTHING!!!!
Whether Purevax, Versifel, Felocell I have often a vaccine reactions. Was this batch of Fevaxyn really INACTIVE???
I am sad and angry at the same time!