About us

My name is Simone Mader, I live in Germany, in the south of Hamburg. My love for Persians began at a show in Freiberg when I was 10 years old. I saw a blue Persian and I had been overly enthusiastic about his big innocent looking eyes and his gorgeous coat. But some years had to pass by.
1984 my parents and I moved to Hamburg. The thought on a Persian grew. I bought many books and became aquainted with this breed and deepened my knowledges. In November 1986 my 1st Persian cat moved in our house and became a member of our family, his name was Moritz v. Bodenteich. He was a silver-tabby with green eyes. He was a dear boy, and he neither liked exhibitions nor driving in the car. In 1991 we moved to in the municipality Seevetal-Maschen, 25 km from the city of Hamburg.
At the age of 15 years
and 10 months Moritz had passed away. The pain was
very intense! After some time had passed, a cream male Persian became part of our lives.
His name is
CFA PR/WPR By Sullivans Moses of Silverdance. We noticed quickly, our Moses was bored, he needed a playmate and so a dream came true. Finally, a blue Persian male and in additionally, also a smoke Persian,
CFA CH/WCH My Fantasy´s Blue Ice Sensation of Silverdance, we call him BlueIce, was going to share his life with us. Our love for Persian cats became even greater, so my mother Inge and I adopted another black-tortie-smoke Persian female,
CFA CH/GEC Estagel Candygirl of Silverdance, we call her Candy. With the mating of BlueIce and Candy we received our first smoke litter. For the further breed we kept
CFA CH/GEC Silverdance Alice, a very promising black smoke female and from her our male
CFA CH/GEC Silverdance Charmer In The Night (black) and our black-smoke male
CFA GP/WPR Silverdance Cloud Dreamer, after he was sent back from the breeder in Canada. Dreamer was very successful by CFA, he is also our first CFA GRAND.
Show season 2008-2009 (with only 2 Shows):
8th Best Cat - CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
2nd Best Smoke & Shaded Premior CFA International Division - Europa
Show season 2009-2010:
2nd Best Cat CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
Best Smoke & Shaded Persian Premior CFA International Division - Europa
16th Best Premior International Division Europa
Show season 2010-2011:
4th Best Cat CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
Best Smoke & Shaded Persian Premior CFA International Division - Europa
21th Best Premior International Division Europa
As next foundation female came to us
CFA CH & PR/GEC Pele Mele's Silver Sunshine On Ice of Silverdance, called Sunny, she should enrich our shaded-cameo breeding, but after a genetic blood test by LABOKLIN we found out that the breeder of the cattery "Pele Mele" had purposely sold a red-smoke female cat to me.
The certificate from LABOKLIN can be viewed here.
Showseason 2014-2015 (with only one Show):
6th Best Cat CFA Premiership / Smoke & Shaded Division Persian
Unfortunately, we had to take Sunny from the breeding, she had a lot of uterine inflammation. Only good, we kept her only one Kitten for our breeding program
CFA & TICA CH/EC Silverdance Sweet Ice Princess - tortie-smoke.
CFA SILVER CH/GEC Kikiland Folie B of Silverdance a blue-cream female came to us in 2010, a very promising female. She fulfilled our dream in blue-cream-smoke with
CFA BRONZE CH/GEC Silverdance Jewel. Jewel was very successful with only 2 CFA shows.
Show season 2013-2014:
3rd Best smoke/shaded Persian - CFA Region Europe
In December 2017, a tortie Persian female named TICA RW QGC/GIC Kranewitter Scarlett of Silverdance arrived at our home. Scarlett was in 2 TICA shows very successfully. She was our first TICA Regional Winner. Unfortunately, in April 2018, she showed breathing problems and had to go to the vet hospital's emergency room. She was in an oxygen tent. The breeder couldn't accept it and said Scarlett should stay at home. The diagnosis was... Shattering. Scarlett was very sick: Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), SAM (systolic anterior motion), mitral regurgitation, aortic constriction, compensated tachycardia. Scarlett. went back to the breeder, she paid me back the price for the cat, but not the transport costs and also not all for vet hospital. The bad story, video, documents of the vet hospital. Lüneburg about Scarlett is to see online.
Show season 2017-2018:
2nd Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
25th Best Longhair TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Out the breeding with Silverdance Jewel and Silverdance Charmer In The Night our male in black-smoke
TICA RW SGC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night will enrich our breeding. Already as a kitten, he was successful in 2 TICA shows in Europe.
So he was in the
Show season 2017-2018:
3rd Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
Best Persian Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
4th Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
With only 1 year and 10 months, our black-smoke Persian male Silverdance Rendezvous For Night is
TICA Supreme Grand Champion. On the end of the Showseason 2018/2019 he received also the Regional Winner. What a success for our smoke breeding program.
Show Season 2018-2019:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
19th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe and INTERNATIONAL
TICA RW QGC / GIC Yellicle's Medley of Silverdance, a tortoiseshell female, came to us in November 2018 as a very promising female, and she is our 3rd Regional Winner. In 2020, due to Covid-19, all shows had to stop, but she still managed to win the title with only 3 TICA Shows.
Show Season 2019-2020:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
23rd Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
3rd Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA Region North Europe
2nd Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
In August 2020 our red female GIC Cleyniko's Fairy Tale of Silverdance joined us. She is a sweet, naughty and lovely female, who brings new energy to our cattery. Unfortunately, I have not been able to exhibit her so far in 2020/2021 due to Corona. Fairy doesn't like ring judging, so I will only show her conventionally. At all her shows, she has unanimously won Best in Show. I tried again with Fairy at the TICA Show in Znojmo/CZ in April 2023, she made it to the final and became TICA Champion.
Show Season 2022-2023:
2nd Best Red Persian TICA Region North Europe
Out of her first litter with our male TICA RW SGC / GEC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night, born 08/2021, we will keep our red-smoke male Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear. Teddy was already very successful as a kitten at 2 TICA shows in Holzminden/Germany and Give/DK, a promising young male. At 8.5 months he became TICA Double Grand Champion at his 1st TICA show in the Championship / Asperen - Netherlands, and at 9.5 months he won at the conventional show of Felidae e.V. in Hamburg/Germany 3x Best of Best and BEST OVERALL.
TICA RW DGC / GIC Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear is our 4th Regional Winner and our 1st kitten as Regional Winner.
Show Season 2021-2022:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
16th Best Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
17th Best Persian Kitten TICA INTERNATIONAL
At just 1 year old, Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear became our 2nd TICA Supreme Grand Champion at the show in Haslev/Denmark. Teddy is now the 2nd time TICA Regional Winner.
Show Season 2022-2023:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
13th Best Cat TICA Region North Europe
6th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
His brother FIFE GIC Silverdance Tango Fire of Carmello (red) was made his TICA Supreme Grand Champion in 02/2023 and at the end of the show season 2022/2023 he was a Regional Winner.
The two younger brothers, born on 08/31/2022,
Silverdance Unique Moments of BohemianAgape (red-smoke, lives in CZ) and
Silverdance Unforgettable Robin of D'Aslan (cream-smoke, lives in Arizona with the TICA Allbreed judge Sandi Lee Mattingly) are TICA Regional Winners as kittens (show season 2022-2023).
For Teddy I bought me a real cameo Persian female, agouti status Aa,
IC Remilakat Tuppence of Silverdance. So I am looking forward to seeing her offspring.
Our mission is to breed beautiful, lovable and healthy Persians in smoke, solid and cameo. Our slogan always stands for: Quality before quantity. Breeding is not only about mating, birth and upbringing, but every breeder should also be knowledgeable about genetics. On my website I show you information about the Breedstandard of Persians with coloured pictures, text and the genetic code.
An article about the smoke / shaded breeding and about the Pewter breeding was made available to me in 03/2021 by Ed Merchant, Cattery Remilakat in UK, which I translated into German and find on the German website and I may use with his permission. So a big thank you to Ed.
Ed and I have discussed a lot about smoke and cameo-shaded/shell breeding, and we agree, as the GCCF, FIFé, TICA and CFA themselves discuss in their breeding rules, that a shaded or shell is an agouti cat and a smoke is a non-agouti cat.
Since 2008 I have been trying to explain to smoke and cameo breeders which agouti status is necessary to breed "real" cameos. Many "cameo" breeders only go for the silver part, but if I mate smoke with smoke often enough, and over several generations, they will always have a higher silver part, and then they will look like a phenotype, like a cameo, but genetically, called genotype, they are smoke cats. Cameo is the short form of cameo-shaded, or in FIFe also called red-silver-shaded. So why should a red-silver-shaded cat be genetically different from a black-silver-shaded cat?
Ed. Merchant. BSc (Hons)
Our retired cats stay with us at home forever. I could never give them up as many breeders do.
CFA PR/WPR By Sullivans Moses of Silverdance. We noticed quickly, our Moses was bored, he needed a playmate and so a dream came true. Finally, a blue Persian male and in additionally, also a smoke Persian,
CFA CH/WCH My Fantasy´s Blue Ice Sensation of Silverdance, we call him BlueIce, was going to share his life with us. Our love for Persian cats became even greater, so my mother Inge and I adopted another black-tortie-smoke Persian female,
CFA CH/GEC Estagel Candygirl of Silverdance, we call her Candy. With the mating of BlueIce and Candy we received our first smoke litter. For the further breed we kept
CFA CH/GEC Silverdance Alice, a very promising black smoke female and from her our male
CFA CH/GEC Silverdance Charmer In The Night (black) and our black-smoke male
CFA GP/WPR Silverdance Cloud Dreamer, after he was sent back from the breeder in Canada. Dreamer was very successful by CFA, he is also our first CFA GRAND.
Show season 2008-2009 (with only 2 Shows):
8th Best Cat - CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
2nd Best Smoke & Shaded Premior CFA International Division - Europa
Show season 2009-2010:
2nd Best Cat CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
Best Smoke & Shaded Persian Premior CFA International Division - Europa
16th Best Premior International Division Europa
Show season 2010-2011:
4th Best Cat CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division
Best Smoke & Shaded Persian Premior CFA International Division - Europa
21th Best Premior International Division Europa
As next foundation female came to us
CFA CH & PR/GEC Pele Mele's Silver Sunshine On Ice of Silverdance, called Sunny, she should enrich our shaded-cameo breeding, but after a genetic blood test by LABOKLIN we found out that the breeder of the cattery "Pele Mele" had purposely sold a red-smoke female cat to me.
The certificate from LABOKLIN can be viewed here.
Showseason 2014-2015 (with only one Show):
6th Best Cat CFA Premiership / Smoke & Shaded Division Persian
Unfortunately, we had to take Sunny from the breeding, she had a lot of uterine inflammation. Only good, we kept her only one Kitten for our breeding program
CFA & TICA CH/EC Silverdance Sweet Ice Princess - tortie-smoke.
CFA SILVER CH/GEC Kikiland Folie B of Silverdance a blue-cream female came to us in 2010, a very promising female. She fulfilled our dream in blue-cream-smoke with
CFA BRONZE CH/GEC Silverdance Jewel. Jewel was very successful with only 2 CFA shows.
Show season 2013-2014:
3rd Best smoke/shaded Persian - CFA Region Europe
In December 2017, a tortie Persian female named TICA RW QGC/GIC Kranewitter Scarlett of Silverdance arrived at our home. Scarlett was in 2 TICA shows very successfully. She was our first TICA Regional Winner. Unfortunately, in April 2018, she showed breathing problems and had to go to the vet hospital's emergency room. She was in an oxygen tent. The breeder couldn't accept it and said Scarlett should stay at home. The diagnosis was... Shattering. Scarlett was very sick: Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), SAM (systolic anterior motion), mitral regurgitation, aortic constriction, compensated tachycardia. Scarlett. went back to the breeder, she paid me back the price for the cat, but not the transport costs and also not all for vet hospital. The bad story, video, documents of the vet hospital. Lüneburg about Scarlett is to see online.
Show season 2017-2018:
2nd Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
25th Best Longhair TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Out the breeding with Silverdance Jewel and Silverdance Charmer In The Night our male in black-smoke
TICA RW SGC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night will enrich our breeding. Already as a kitten, he was successful in 2 TICA shows in Europe.
So he was in the
Show season 2017-2018:
3rd Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
Best Persian Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
4th Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
With only 1 year and 10 months, our black-smoke Persian male Silverdance Rendezvous For Night is
TICA Supreme Grand Champion. On the end of the Showseason 2018/2019 he received also the Regional Winner. What a success for our smoke breeding program.
Show Season 2018-2019:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
19th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe and INTERNATIONAL
TICA RW QGC / GIC Yellicle's Medley of Silverdance, a tortoiseshell female, came to us in November 2018 as a very promising female, and she is our 3rd Regional Winner. In 2020, due to Covid-19, all shows had to stop, but she still managed to win the title with only 3 TICA Shows.
Show Season 2019-2020:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
23rd Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
3rd Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA Region North Europe
2nd Best Black-Tortie Persian TICA INTERNATIONAL
In August 2020 our red female GIC Cleyniko's Fairy Tale of Silverdance joined us. She is a sweet, naughty and lovely female, who brings new energy to our cattery. Unfortunately, I have not been able to exhibit her so far in 2020/2021 due to Corona. Fairy doesn't like ring judging, so I will only show her conventionally. At all her shows, she has unanimously won Best in Show. I tried again with Fairy at the TICA Show in Znojmo/CZ in April 2023, she made it to the final and became TICA Champion.
Show Season 2022-2023:
2nd Best Red Persian TICA Region North Europe
Out of her first litter with our male TICA RW SGC / GEC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night, born 08/2021, we will keep our red-smoke male Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear. Teddy was already very successful as a kitten at 2 TICA shows in Holzminden/Germany and Give/DK, a promising young male. At 8.5 months he became TICA Double Grand Champion at his 1st TICA show in the Championship / Asperen - Netherlands, and at 9.5 months he won at the conventional show of Felidae e.V. in Hamburg/Germany 3x Best of Best and BEST OVERALL.
TICA RW DGC / GIC Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear is our 4th Regional Winner and our 1st kitten as Regional Winner.
Show Season 2021-2022:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
16th Best Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
17th Best Persian Kitten TICA INTERNATIONAL
At just 1 year old, Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear became our 2nd TICA Supreme Grand Champion at the show in Haslev/Denmark. Teddy is now the 2nd time TICA Regional Winner.
Show Season 2022-2023:
Regional Winner TICA Region North Europe
13th Best Cat TICA Region North Europe
6th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
His brother FIFE GIC Silverdance Tango Fire of Carmello (red) was made his TICA Supreme Grand Champion in 02/2023 and at the end of the show season 2022/2023 he was a Regional Winner.
The two younger brothers, born on 08/31/2022,
Silverdance Unique Moments of BohemianAgape (red-smoke, lives in CZ) and
Silverdance Unforgettable Robin of D'Aslan (cream-smoke, lives in Arizona with the TICA Allbreed judge Sandi Lee Mattingly) are TICA Regional Winners as kittens (show season 2022-2023).
For Teddy I bought me a real cameo Persian female, agouti status Aa,
IC Remilakat Tuppence of Silverdance. So I am looking forward to seeing her offspring.
Our mission is to breed beautiful, lovable and healthy Persians in smoke, solid and cameo. Our slogan always stands for: Quality before quantity. Breeding is not only about mating, birth and upbringing, but every breeder should also be knowledgeable about genetics. On my website I show you information about the Breedstandard of Persians with coloured pictures, text and the genetic code.
An article about the smoke / shaded breeding and about the Pewter breeding was made available to me in 03/2021 by Ed Merchant, Cattery Remilakat in UK, which I translated into German and find on the German website and I may use with his permission. So a big thank you to Ed.
Ed and I have discussed a lot about smoke and cameo-shaded/shell breeding, and we agree, as the GCCF, FIFé, TICA and CFA themselves discuss in their breeding rules, that a shaded or shell is an agouti cat and a smoke is a non-agouti cat.
Since 2008 I have been trying to explain to smoke and cameo breeders which agouti status is necessary to breed "real" cameos. Many "cameo" breeders only go for the silver part, but if I mate smoke with smoke often enough, and over several generations, they will always have a higher silver part, and then they will look like a phenotype, like a cameo, but genetically, called genotype, they are smoke cats. Cameo is the short form of cameo-shaded, or in FIFe also called red-silver-shaded. So why should a red-silver-shaded cat be genetically different from a black-silver-shaded cat?
Ed. Merchant. BSc (Hons)
Our retired cats stay with us at home forever. I could never give them up as many breeders do.
All our cats are free to roam the whole house, including our males. Our cats love summer the most, they love to have breakfast outside on our terrace.

Our cats are our children and they are very spoilt. Who can argue with those big questioning eyes.
Our cats are tested negative for FIV / FELV and PKD1 & pd-PRA DNA. All our cats are HCM negative
We give them regular (periodic) worming and vaccinations to prevent Panleukopenia,
Feline Rhinotracheitis Herpesvirus, Feline Calicivirosis (RCP) and Rabies.
I am a member of CFA, TICA and Felidae e.V. and all my cats are registered in CFA and TICA. Until 31st August 2008 I was also a member of the German Cat Club RVDE e.V. and until the end of 2019 I was a sponsoring member of Catfriends of Germany (both cat clubs are closed). Our cattery was awarded the RVDE Seal of Quality on 10 February 2007.
In the show season we constantly go to shows all over Europe and show our Persians in CFA, TICA and conventional shows.
I am a member of CFA, TICA and Felidae e.V. and all my cats are registered in CFA and TICA. Until 31st August 2008 I was also a member of the German Cat Club RVDE e.V. and until the end of 2019 I was a sponsoring member of Catfriends of Germany (both cat clubs are closed). Our cattery was awarded the RVDE Seal of Quality on 10 February 2007.
In the show season we constantly go to shows all over Europe and show our Persians in CFA, TICA and conventional shows.

and CFA & TICA Final Winner ribbon for our cats

See for yourself. We hope you enjoy with our website.