TICA Regionalwinner
TICA Supreme Grand Champion
FIFe International Champion
Silverdance Tango Fire
of Carmello
*10th August 2021
TICA registered

Show Saison 2022-2023:
21st Best Cat TICA Region North Europe
9th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
2nd Best Persian TICA Region North Europe
Best Red Persian TICA Region North Europe

Congratulations Renate to the Regionalwinner with Tango.
St. Merløse / DK
08./09.04.2023 - 1 Jahr 7 Monate alt
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Fate Mays
4th Best Cat Allbreed - Fate Mays
10th Best Cat Allbreed - Åsa Broing
5th Best Longhair Cat - Amy Stadter
Easter Congresses:
Best Cat in Easter Flowers - Fate Mays
5th Best Cat in Mrs. Bunny - Phillipa Holmes
5th Best Cat in Easter Eggs - Karen Stinson
9th Best Cat in Mr. Bunny - Nicki Fenwick-Raven

Książenice (Warschau) / PL
01./02.04.2023 - 1 year 7 months old
It was nice to see Tango again.

4th Best Cat Longhair - Monika Dany
TICA RW SGC / FIFE CH TICA RW SGC Silverdance Tango Fire of Carmello
FIFE Show / Riga - Latvia
25./26.02.2022 - 1,5 years old
2x nominated for Best in Show
2x Best in Show
Best of Category
More Show Impression:
TICA Show / Tallinn - Estonia
11./12.02.2022 - 1,5 years old
4th Best Cat Longhair Katze Langhaar - A. Kretschmer-Kraiczek
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - A. Kretschmer-Kraiczek
Best Cat Longhair - A. Kretschmer-Kraiczek
Best Cat Longhair Allbreed - A. Kretschmer-Kraiczek
TICA RW SGC Silverdance Tango Fire of Carmello is now TICA Supreme Grandchampion - Congratulations!

More Show Impression:
FIFe-Show - Riga/Latvia - 10./11.09.2022
1 year and 1 months old
nominated for Best in Show
FIFe Champion

TICA Show / Tallinn - Estonia
30./31.07.2022 - 11,5 months old
2x 4th Best Cat Allbreed - Yan Lavrentyev
1x 4th Best Longhair Cat - Yan Lavrentyev
3x 3rd Best Cat Allbreed - Yelena Lavrentyeva, MaryLise De Landtsheer
1x 2nd Best Longhair Cat - MaryLise De Landtsheer
1x Best Longhair Cat - Yelena Lavrentyeva
1x 2nd Best Cat Allbreed - MaryLise De Landtsheer
3rd BEST OF BEST CAT Championship

more pictures by Facebook
FIFE Baltic Winner Cat Show 2022 / Riga - Latvia
NOMINATED FOR THE FINAL - nomination for Best in Show

Original: FIFe Baltic Winner Show 2022 - Nomination for Best in Show

the last pictures by me at home