CFA & TICA Cattery for smoke - solid - cameo persians
TICA Double Regionalwinner
TICA Supreme Grandchampion
Grand Europe Champion
Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear
* 10. August 2021
CFA/TICA registriert
Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear, ist ein red-smoke Perser
Kater. Er wurde am 10. August 2021 geboren. Zusammen mit seinen Wurfgeschwister,
Silverdance Tambourine (red), er lebt bei Sijie und Zhengyuan, und
Silverdance Tango Fire (red), er lebt in Lettland bei Renate und Gints, wuchs er bei uns auf.
Silverdance Tango Fire & Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear & Silverdance Tambourine
3 Wochen alt
Silverdance Tambourine & Silverdance Tango Fire & Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear
8 Wochen alt
IC Cleyniko's Fairy Tale of Silverdance, RedTICA RW SGC / GEC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night
, Black Smoke
8 Wochen alt12 Wochen alt
4 Monate alt
5 Monate alt
Mehr schöne Kitten-Bilder
sind in der
Galerie zu sehen.
Schon sehr früh wussten wir,
dass "Teddy" ein vielversprechender
Junge ist, und unsere Zucht gemeinsam mit seinem Vater TICA RW SGC / EC Silverdance Rendezvous For Night, genannt "Ronny" bereichern wird.
6 Monate alt - wird bald auf den Shows zu sehen sein.
26./27.02.2022 - Holzminden/DE ** Saturday (Count 13 LH, 20 SH) **
2nd Best Kitten Allbreed - Steven Savant
3rd Best Kitten Longhair SP - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek
7th Best Kitten Allbreed - Fate Mays
** Sunday (Count 13 LH, 20 SH) **
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Steven Savant
3rd Best Kitten Longhair SP - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek
7th Best Kitten Allbreed - Fate Mays
2x 7th Best Kitten Allbreed - Fate Mays
2nd Best Kitten Allbreed - Steven Savant
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Steven Savant
2x 3rd Best Kitten Longhair SP
Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek
TICA SHOW / Viking Cats
26./27.03.2022 - Give/DK ** Saturday **
6th Best Kitten Allbreed - Nicki Fenwick-Raven (UK)
3rd Best Kitten Longhair SP - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka (Poland)
3rd Best Kitten Allbreed - Kurt Vlach (Austria)
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek (DE)
3rd Best Kitten Allbreed - Åsa Broing (Sweden)
** Sunday ** Best Kitten
- Åsa Broing (Sweden)
4th Best Kitten Longhair SP - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka (Poland)
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Kurt Vlach (Austria)
6th Best Kitten Allbreed - Nicki Fenwick-Raven (UK)
3rd Best Kitten Allbreed - Åsa Broing (Sweden)
3rd Best Kitten Longhair SP - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka (Poland)
3rd Best Kitten Allbreed - Kurt Vlach (Austria)
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek (DE)
Best Kitten - Åsa Broing (Sweden)
4th Best Kitten Longhair SP - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka (Poland)
4th Best Kitten Allbreed - Kurt Vlach (Austria)
TICA SHOW / Cats & tulips
30.04./01.05.2022 - Asperen/NL ** Saturday ** 10th Best Longhair (41 count) - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka
7th Best Cat Allbreed (86 count) - Charles Spijker
9th Best Cat Allbreed Congress without white (37 count) - Katharina Krenn
** Sunday ** 6th Best Cat Allbreed Congress Male (25 count) - Phillipa Holmes
9th Best Cat Allbreed (63 count) - Charles Spijker
9th Best Longhair (31 count) - Agata Kruszona-Zawadska
7th Best Cat Allbreed (86 count) - Charles Spijker (Saturday)
9th Best Cat Allbreed (63 count) - Charles Spijker (Sunday)
6th Best Cat Allbreed Congress Male (25 count) - Phillipa Holmes
10th Best Longhair (41 count) - Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka (Saturday)
9th Best Longhair (31 count) - Agata Kruszona-Zawadska (Sunday)
9th Best Cat Allbreed Congress without white (37 count) - Katharina Krenn
5x Best Variety Cat Lottery: 1st Place - 56 Punkte von 60 Cat Lottery: 1st Place - 57,5 Punkte von 60
3x nominiert für Best in Show 3x Best in Show 3x BEST OF BEST BEST OVERALL International Champion
Show Saison 2021-2022:
REGIONALWINNER TICA Region North Europe 16th Best Kitten TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian Kitten
TICA Region North Europe Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
17th Best Persian Kitten TICA INTERNATIONAL
TICA SHOW / Cats & Tulips
09.07./10.07.2022 - Asperen/NL ** Saturday **
5th Best Cat Allbreed (count 40) - Kurt Vlach
2nd Best Longhair (count 21) - Kurt Vlach
4th Best Longhair (count 23) - Maria Bunina
3rd Best Longhair (count 24) - Maria Burina
5th Best Longhair (count 23) - Phillipa Holmes
4th Best Longhair (count 21) - Tomoko Vlach
** Sunday **
5th Best Cat Allbreed (count 31) - Kurt Vlach
6th Best Cat Allbreed (count 31) - Tomoko Vlach
5th Best Cat Allbreed (count 40) - Kurt Vlach
2nd Best Longhair (count 21) - Kurt Vlach
4th Best Longhair (count 21) - Tomoko Vlach
5th Best Longhair (count 23) - Phillipa Holmes
4th Best Longhair (count 23) - Maria Bunina
3rd Best Longhair (count 24) - Maria Burina
5th Best Cat Allbreed (count 31) - Kurt Vlach
6th Best Cat Allbreed (count 31) - Tomoko Vlach
TICA SHOW / Viking Cats
20.08./21.08.2022 - Haslev/DK
** Saturday ** 2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Jamie Christian (USA) - count 37
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Jane Allen (UK) - count 36
5th Best Cat Allbreed - Phillipa Holmes (UK) - count 36
9th Best Cat Allbreed - Irene van Belzen (NL) - count 36
4th Best Cat Longhair SP - Maria Bunina (UK) - count 17
** Sunday ** BEST CAT Allbreed- Jamie Christian (USA) - count 34
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Jane Allen (UK) - count 34
7th Best Cat Allbreed - Phillipa Holmes (UK) - count 34
8th Best Cat Allbreed - Irene van Belzen (NL) - count 33
2nd Best of Best Cat in the CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS!!!
BEST CAT Allbreed- Jamie Christian (USA) - count 34
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Northern Europe Regional Awards Show 2022 / Xtreme Klub Kota
24.09./25.09.2022 - Warschau - Pruszków
** Saturday **
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Jane Allen (UK) - count 46
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Erwin Van den Bunder (A) - count 47
5th Best Cat Allbreed - Katharina Krenn (A) - count 47
4th Best Cat Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiszek (DE) - count 47
3rd Best Cat Longhair - Lies Mullem (NL) - count 17
** Sunday ** BEST CAT Allbreed- Jane Allen (UK) - count 43
2nd Best Cat Allbreed - Erwin Van den Bunder (A) - count 43
4th Best Cat Allbreed - Katharina Krenn (A) - count 43
4th Best Cat Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiszek (DE) - count 43
3rd Best Cat Longhair - Lies Mullem (NL) - count 16
3rd Best of Best Cat in the CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS!!!
BEST CAT Allbreed- Jane Allen (UK) - count 43
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TICA SHOW / Cats Tulips
12./13.11.2022 - Asperen/NL
** Saturday **
10th Best Cat Allbreed - Alex Marinets - count 60
7th Best Cat Allbreed - Jean Marc Lagarde - count 60
7th Best Cat Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiszek - count 59
** Sunday **
7th Best Cat Allbreed - Jean Marc Lagarde - count 56
8th Best Cat Allbreed - Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiszek - count 55
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Felidae Show - Bremen - Deutschland
03.12.2022 - 1 Jahr und 3,5 Monate alt
Best Variety 2x nominiert für Best in Show Best in Show Langhaar Kater (BLH, PER)
TICA SHOW / Vikingcats
07./08.01.2023 - Ribe/DK
5th Best Longhair - Agata Kruszona-Zawadska
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25./26.02.2023 - Holzminden/DE 9th Best Longhair - Maria Bunina (UK)
Felidae Show - Hamburg - Deutschland
10.06.2023 - 1,5 Jahre alt
2x Best Variety 5th BEST CAT ALLBREED (kitten, Adults, Premior) - count 37
2x nominated for Best in Show Langhaar Male (BLH, PER) BEST IN SHOW
5th BEST CAT ALLBREED (kitten, Adults, Premior) - count 37
Best of Best
Best in Show
2x Best Variety
Show Season 2022-2023:
13th Best Cat TICA Region North Europe
9th Best Longhair Cat TICA Region North Europe
Best Persian
TICA Region North Europe
Best Red-Smoke Persian TICA Region North Europe
Delicat Show - Seevetal - Deutschland
10.06.2023 - 2 Jahre alt
3x nominated for Best in Show Langhaar Male (BLH, DLH, PER) 2x BEST IN SHOW
2x Best in Show meine stolze Mutter Inge, 83 Jahre alt, mit unserem Kater
TICA Double RW, SGC/GIC Silverdance Ice Teddy Bear
Felidae Show - Bremen - Deutschland
02.12.2023 - 2 Jahre und 3 Monate alt
nominiert für Best in Show Perser Male BEST IN SHOW BEST OF BEST
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Felidae Show - Rostock - Deutschland
16./17.03.2024 - 2 Jahre und 6 Monate alt
nominiert für Best in Show Perser Male 2x Best Variety
Felidae Show - Hamburg - Deutschland
08./09.06.2024 - 2 Jahre und 9 Monate alt
3x Best Variety
4x nominated for Best in Show
2x Best in Show 2x Best of Breed
Teddy ist nun Grand Europe Champion
Delicat e.V. - Neumünster
08.02. - 09.02.2025
2x nominiert für Best in Show
2x Best in Show
Best of Breed Persian (Sunday)
2nd Best Cat Allbreed (Sunday)
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